Ode to Gnomio aka King of the Castle

When you are jet-lagged, hungover…near puking…and you enter your new apartment in a foreign country only to find a Gnome chilling there in the entry way there aren’t many ways to explain the reaction. Well, I decided to name him Gnomio and just go with it. I’m dedicating this post to him because he is the King of the Castle, our Prague castle, and he is the center of all pre-games and intense daily conversations. He contributes only in Czech but doesn’t know many words other than “Ahoj” and “pivo” and whatever the Czech translation for “I’m a pimp” is. In this photo we crafted a genuine blunt and local Vodka bottle for him to rock. Also, on the topic of vodka, there was a national emergency declared the other day (mind you after 2 nights of straight downing the drank) that people were dying of methanol poisoning in the vodka. LOL RIGHT?…..no…..

Taken part 2, the vodka series. 


That’s all for Gnomio today, but stay tuned for an in depth description of my sleep walking adventure that resulted in me being locked out of our apartment by myself with 4 bags thinking I was headed to an Italian wedding. Cheers to my life in Prague and stay hopeful that I return in one human piece. 

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